At some point in all of our lifetimes, we've all needed a hair remover. Hair grows in virtually every part of our body except a few spots like the lips or the palms of our hands, although, in the other places it can grow very fast and hard. Although women may use a hair remover more than men, we all suffer the occasional need. Here are some places where you can see more hair:
- Abdomen
- Back
- Eyebrows
- Face
- Chest
- Legs
- Pubic Area(pubic hair removal cream)
Unwanted hair can be a source of embarrassment. And the first question is Temporary or Permanent Hair Removal?
pubic hair removal cream
One of the most common remedies to hair Temporary removal would be the epilator. The Temporary methods are often associated with Shaving and Creams to take off the hair, however there is much more methods, such as: Plucking, Waxing, Sugaring, Threading or Enzymes. An epilator is a device that actually grabs multiple hairs and pulls them out. It almost sounds painful just to read it. An epilator pulls hair out by the roots. The first time you remove hair in an area by using an epilator is usually the worst. I would use a hair remover that covers a larger surface area. Generally speaking, the epilator will not grab your skin but do not let it sit too long on one area. Remember, this little machine is removing hair by the roots so it can be a little on the tender side the first couple of times you use it. Just keep it moving around the area where you are removing hair. You could also try some baby powder. This may soften the area.
You will still use a set of tweezers to remove hair such as your eyebrows but you should consider purchasing an epilator to remove larger areas of hair. Some epilators are battery charged and some have power cords. Just be careful when using one near water. I know that is common sense but I feel it's necessary to make the warning. Most women will use a hair remover in the bathroom where there is always a water source nearby.
Remove Hair On Your Face.
Ok, you say but what about unwanted hair on your face? Use the same machine on your face, especially on your upper lip where most women have more unwanted hair. Use it in the same fashion that you would use an epilator under your arms. The hair will be removed by pulling it from the roots but this hair is much finer and I doubt you will feel anything. You will be happy when you look in the mirror and the hair is gone. No more 5 o'clock shadow mustache!
Don't forget those patches of dark hair that look like sideburns. Remove that hair by gently rolling the epilator up and down against the grain of the hair. The side of your face is pretty tough and it's doubtful you will even feel it.
This is not permanent hair removal. It will help you in your fight and usually the hair grows back thinner and easier to manage. It prevents it from growing back faster. Hair grows usually in a 6 week cycle and once you are on a regular regimen of hair removal, you can relax for weeks sometimes. Over time, you will also see a reduction in the little red bumps that usually come with shaving.
Will it pull off skin? No.
Does your hair need to be long to be removed? No, works for extremely short hair.
Can you use it to remove hair on your head? Yes, but why?
But what about Hair removal creams? Pubic hair removal cream?
Can you use it in your pubic region? Yes.
Pubic Hair removal cream may seem like a simple solution, but as with any skin treatment, you should know your products before you buy them and start slathering them on. How often you are willing to apply cream?
Ok. You are spreading cream over a patch of hair, waiting a few minutes, and then using a washcloth soaked in warm water to rub off the cream. Pubic Hair removal cream come in rub-on, roll-on, and gel forms. Pubic hair removal creams a pretty good option, but you should always consider the potential side effects.
All of these methods can last from a few hours to days, and they are very much cheaper than the permanent Solutions.
They are also a lot more secure and with these you have no risks of Health Problems.
By the other hand, the Permanent solutions are very good if you want a complete and reliable solution. It's ideal if you are a high performance sportsman or if you just want to get rid of all your hair.
These are the two Permanent Hair Removal Methods:
- Electrolysis
- Laser Hair Removal(tria hair removal)
These methods use energy of various types, chemicals of a combination of both to target the hair growing areas, permanently destroying these areas and causing skin tissue damage, so it's better to take an advice before using any of these types of Hair Removal Techniques.